1+3 Apartment in Istanbul, Turkey No. 41875

€ 475 468
- EUR €
- USD $
- RUB ₽
- NOK kr
- GBP £
- TRY ₺
Living space281 m2
- Price
- per m²
€ 475 468
- EUR €
- USD $
- RUB ₽
- NOK kr
- GBP £
- TRY ₺
Property description
No Loss,Yes GainAFFORDABLE PRICE AND HIGH PROFIT ON INVESTMENTYour new home’s door opens to profit.The subway almost to be completed and rightat your door, shopping venues and socializingareas you can access with an elevator, anothershopping center right across your home aswell as the Sultanbeyli Central Bazaar, and auniversity that will comprise of a 400-bedhospital all transform your new home into asource of income at the same time.Free from panic, only confidenceSPECIAL MONITORING ON 24-HOUR BASIS AND SECURE ENTRANCEThe gate of your new home is under 24-hour protection.By means of the 24-hour security at the blockentrances, parking lot and bazaar, your newhome’s gate is under protection against all kindsof threats.No distance but proximityHIGHWAY LINK ACROSS YOUR DOORYour new home’s door opens to the highwayand subway.Located at the center of thelink roads of the district’s transportationnetwork, where you can easily reachAnatolia and Europe, your new home’sgate opens to the city center throughthe metro station right in front of yourdoor.No need for a search, just findSHOPPING CENTER RIGHT BELOW YOUR HOMEThe door of your new home opens to the bazaar.You don’t need to wander the street searching forpopular brands, to renew your wardrobe and meetyour needs, by virtue of the bazaar on the groundfloor of your home. The gate of your new homeopens to the bazaar where you can find what youare looking for.Don't look for, but enjoyCAFES AND RESTAURANTS UNDERNEATH YOUR HOMEYour new home’s gate opens to cafes andrestaurants. Owing to the cafes and restaurantslocated on the ground floor of your house,you do not need to go far to have pleasantconversations with your loved ones or toreach the restaurants where you can tasteworld delicacies. The door of your newhome opens to a cafe and restaurantswhere you can spend time withpleasure.No tablets, just playCHILDREN'S PLAYGROUNDS RIGHT BELOW YOUR HOMEThe door of your new home opens to your children’splayground. Owing to the playgrounds below your home,your children will not grow up with computersand tablets, but with games helping theirphysical and mental development.No stress, yes happinessLARGE ROOMS, BRIGHT AND SPACIOUS BALCONIESThe door of your new home opens to comfort.By means of its architecture designed to makeall rooms feel large and spacious albeit indifferent sizes, the door of your new homeopens to comfort having sunlight enter intoevery room.No worries for parking, there is a parking lotINDOOR PARKING FOR RESIDENTS, OUTDOOR PARKING FOR GUESTSParking is no problem in your new home.The indoor parking of each flat will host you safely,while your guests will safely utilize the parking lot of the bazaar.
- Close to the city centre
- Close to the airport
- City center
- Video intercom
- Metal front door
- English TV channels
- Electric water heater
- Pressure and water tanks
- Gas
Indoor facilities
- Cafe
- Elevator
- Private parking
Outdoor features
- Security
- Children's playground
- Social and commercial facilities
Istanbul - Statistics
Choose a city for comparison
Parameters | Istanbul |
Rent Per Month | |
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre | € 876.44 |
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre | € 557.06 |
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre | € 1 596.70 |
Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre | € 932.52 |
Buy Apartment Price | |
Price per Square Meter to Buy Apartment in City Centre | € 2 981.89 |
Price per Square Meter to Buy Apartment Outside of Centre | € 1 514.94 |
Data are provided by Numbeo.com and are based on its users survey. Turk.estate can not guarantee the validity of these data.
Contact the seller
Living space281 m2
- Price
- per m²
€ 475 468
- EUR €
- USD $
- RUB ₽
- NOK kr
- GBP £
- TRY ₺