The authorities announce plans for a year to rent and sell Real Estate

The authorities announce plans for a year to rent and sell Real Estate

The state’s target for real estate sales and rentals in 2024 is almost TL 13.2 billion, writes Turkish media. According to the data collected on the draft law on the state budget for 2024 (which is being discussed in parliament), this amount of money is planned to be received into the treasury in two directions — from the sale and lease of real estate, including housing, social facilities and land plots.

TL 5,128,747,000 out of the planned TL 13,185,890,000 will be received from renting out real estate, 8,057,143,000 TL from selling properties, and TL 4.5 billion from selling land plots.

As for the sale of real estate, the income of TL 660 million is expected from the sale of housing, TL 440,000 from the sale of social facilities, the remaining amount is distributed among other objects.

As you know, the highest rate for office rentals in Istanbul in March was TL 1,100 per square metre. In addition to offices, rental of premises in shops and warehouses has increased almost all over the country.

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