Prices for technological "inspection" of buildings should be fairer, say the players in this segment of the construction industry. For example, for a difference in the height of a building of only 50 centimeters, you have to pay almost twice as much - in terms of the cost of inspection, complains civil engineer Atakan Bakylan to online sources. Explaining that for the successful implementation of construction projects in accordance with the master plan, rules and standards in the field of science, art and health, it is necessary to set a fair price for the fee charged for the construction inspection. After all, those who build pay this amount out of their pockets; and the cost of construction is already growing by leaps and bounds - many apartments have to be sold even below cost, just to realize them.
Atakan Bakylan, a market expert who is also a member of the Board of the Eskisehir Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a member of the Executive Committee of the Eskisehir Council of Young Entrepreneurs (TOBB), clarified that the amount of the fee for the inspection of a building is determined depending on its building class. However, in some cases, as in the above-mentioned example with 50 centimeters, the difference is puzzling: for example, the cost of a control check of a building with a height of 21 meters and a building area of 2000 sq. m is 287 thousand TL, and the fee for checking a building with a height of 21.5 meters and the same building area is 570 thousand TL. So the specialist called for "fair pricing" - especially since we are not talking about hundreds and thousands, but hundreds of thousands of lira. Which, in the current economic situation, is a significant blow to the budget.
It is better not to remember about the increase in prices for building materials: for example, plaster has risen in price by 120% in a short period of time, and the labor force by 650%.