After the recent earthquake, experts immediately began to assess the damage. The first payments for DASK earthquake and natural disaster insurance were made within 24 hours.
However, is the DASK policy sufficient to cover losses?
Recall that DASK insurance, which is considered mandatory - which, however, not all Turks pay - covers damage caused by fires, explosions, landslides, earthquakes and similar natural disasters.
DASK annually calculates the "insurance" cost per 1 square meter annually; for 2023 it is 3016 Turkish lira (TL).
However, the value of the land under the building is not taken into account when determining the insurance indemnity.
It should also be remembered that the compensation paid cannot exceed the insurance amount specified in the policy, although in case of complete destruction of the house, the full amount prescribed in the same place is paid.
There is a maximum determined by the relevant organization for insurance compensation. As of November 25, 2022, the largest amount of compensation for DASK is fixed at the level of 640 000 TL.
However, given the current situation, another question arises: is DASK compensation enough for the victims of the devastating earthquake in Kahramanmarash? Experts also warn that, given the scale of the disaster and the number of damaged houses, consideration of applications for payments and, accordingly, the payments themselves may be delayed in time.
Recall that the earthquake destroyed mostly houses that did not meet the requirements for earthquake resistance. After such disasters, compensations, subsidies are paid to the population or other options are offered; for example, after the tremors in Dyuzdzha, citizens are offered an interest-free loan for the purchase of housing.