Yilkanur Insaat

Yilkanur Insaat
Founded in 2005
Ongoing projects:1 property

In year 2009, started the first turnkey Project in Adapazarı-Korucuk fort he people of low income group.In year 2010 we delivered 496 house for the holders.At the same time in December 2009 we started the joint Project of Memur-Sen and Public Housing Department of Primeministry of Turkey in Bingöl Central Güvecli Village.It was a Project of 388 house ,leisure centre,and sixteen classroom school.We completed the construction in 2011 and delivered for the holders. In year 2010, started the Project of Public Housing Department of Primeministry of Turkey in Elazığ-Zafran İkitelli neighbourhood.It was a Project of 636 house , leisure centre and a 32 classroom school.We completed the construction in may 2012 and delivered for the holders.At the end of 2010 we started a new Public Housing Department of Primeministry of Turkey in Erzincan-Kavakyolu and Sakarya-Korucuk.

It was a Project of 560 house in Erzincan,384 house and leisure centre in Sakarya.In year 2012 we delivered 560 house for the holders.In January 2013 ve delivered the 384 house and leisure centre in Sakarya-Korucuk fort he holders. In May 2011 we started the project of Public Housing Department of Primeministry of Turkey in Van-Erciş.It was a project of 544 house and social outfits.We delivered the houses, to holders in August 2012.In October 2011, after the great earthquake around Van, Public Housing Department of Primeministry of Turkey put in a tender of 17.471 house in Van.We take the project of 368 house and 750 temporary housing area and delivered it in a very short time of 7 months for the holders. Now a two-hundred bed Hospital for Namık Kemal University and Silivri High Security prison are in provisional acceptance stage. Our new projects are in progress around the country.

Yukari Ovecler Mahallesi 1235.Cadde No:9/40 Plenty Business İs Merkezi Ovecler – Cankaya/ANKARA
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Yilkanur Insaat