Is it Safe in Turkey in 2024?

Is it Safe in Turkey in 2024?

Turkey surprises travelers every time and gives them new emotions. Fascinating Cappadocia, the warm Antalya region, the picturesque Aegean coast with a characteristic Greek flavor – each part of the country is beautiful in its own way. How are things with life safety and travel in the country today? Let's talk about it below.


Crime rate in Turkey

According to statistics, Turkey ranks 88th in terms of crime among countries in the world with an index of 39.62, which indicates a high degree of security in the state. According to Turkish National Police, the most frequent crimes in the country are petty theft and pickpocketing. It is mainly recorded in crowded places, markets and tourist locations. In addition, there are cases of credit card fraud.

At the same time, the vast majority of travelers and expats feel calm and relaxed in Turkey. It is not surprising that buying real estate in Turkey is so popular with expats.

It is worth mentioning about the mentality of the Turks themselves. Locals are very fond of children and animals. They are very smiling, kind and friendly. They treat travelers well, they are always ready to answer questions, suggest the way or help in some other way. If you have any problems, you can safely contact people on the street and count on their participation. In megacities and tourist cities, there are policemen at almost every step. When law enforcement officers are called, the wait is on average 5-10 minutes. It should be noted that police officers in Turkey are treated very confidentially and respectfully.

Is it Safe in Turkey in 2023?

The safest areas of Turkey

The Antalya region is considered one of the safest in Turkey. The crime rate is very low here. According to numerous studies, this location is one of the safest for both tourism and life. Safe regions include cities and provinces of the Aegean coast: Cesme, Mersin, Izmir and Marmaris.

At the same time, there are areas in Turkey that should be avoided. All of it are located in the south-east of the country:

  • Gaziantep;
  • Van;
  • Diyarbakir.

It is not recommended to visit the areas bordering Syria within a radius of 10 km and Iraq. We recommend to refrain from traveling to Sirnak, Mardin, Sanliurfa, Gaziantep, Kilis, Hatay, Tunceli and Hakkari. Tourism is poorly developed in these areas. Foreigners do not seek to buy real estate there. 

Security in Turkey for tourists

Even coming to Turkey alone, you can be absolutely calm. For tourists, the situation is very favorable. The atmosphere is calm, relaxed and friendly. At the same time, it is important to observe basic safety rules, as in any other country. For example:

  • do not walk alone at night in poorly lit places. If you return home at night, choose busy streets;
  • be careful when traveling in empty public transport; especially at night and in the evening;
  • keep valuables with you: passports, jewelry and money;
  • do not spread to unfamiliar people that you are traveling alone;
  • take a look around when withdrawing money from ATM cards and hide the PIN code you enter.

As for women's clothing, there is no strict dress code in Turkey. However, the country is considered Muslim. Therefore it is not recommended to wear overly revealing things so as not to attract attention; especially if you are in Turkey unaccompanied by men.

Is it Safe in Turkey in 2023?

Features of local laws

In addition to security requirements, it is necessary to keep in mind the legal prohibitions in force on the territory of Turkey. The main ones are as follows:

  • do not take pictures of some government buildings and military installations;
  • do not drive a car when you are drunk. Any amount of alcohol detected by the authorities in the blood entails a fine and confiscation of a driving license;
  • do not speak negatively about the Turkish government. There is strict censorship in the country. Criticism is regarded as a crime.

Couples in love should not show their feelings in public. It is better to refrain from excessive emotions in front of outsiders. This is not regulated by law in any way, but it is strongly recommended.

Emergency phone numbers in Turkey

If necessary, you can always call 112 to the police and report the problem. It is also useful to know the hotline number for foreigners – 157. It allows you to solve issues related to migration, receive assistance in protecting your rights and solving various problems. Foreign citizens should also register the hotline number of the Turkish Ministry of Health: +90 850 288 38 38.

Is it Safe in Turkey in 2023?

Buying property in Turkey

Turkey, which occupies 780,000 m2, is called the "gateway between East and West" because of its location at the intersection of two parts of the world. The rich culture dating back to the ancient civilizations of Anatolia, delicious food, hospitable locals and many attractions have made it one of the most visited countries in the world. At the same time, the state is now attractive both for tourism and for permanent residence. 

If you are thinking about buying a property in Turkey for living or investment, we offer you to get advice from our specialists right now! Just write to us and the experts will tell you how to buy a villa, house or apartment in Turkey on favorable terms. See you soon!

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