There are already more than five million foreigners in Turkey

There are already more than five million foreigners in Turkey

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Turkey Ismail Chatakli said shortly before the New Year holidays that the total number of citizens of other countries who crossed the border of Turkey and are now on its territory with a temporary residence permit (residence permit) or permanently has already exceeded the threshold of five million: there are 5.2 million.


Moreover, those who live in the country informally are not taken into account - refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and other countries who did not receive proper documents; those who had a residence permit, but expired their documents and remained in Turkey illegally (among whom, in particular, there are many Russians, Ukrainians and citizens of the former CIS countries). 


As for official statistics, almost two thirds (3.8 million people) are refugees. About a million more are in the country with a worthy and honorable purpose: these are students and students. About 1.3 million more are citizens of other states who have already purchased their own residential real estate or rent one, that is, they also have legal grounds to stay in the country. 


We remind you that for a stay with tourist purposes, Russians do not need a residence permit if the tourist plans to stay in the country for no longer than 90 days during each half-year, and no longer than 60 days continuously. If the duration of stay does not exceed the specified periods, and there is no need to send children to school, then you cannot waste time and money on a residence permit, but simply buy an apartment you like and live quietly in two countries, enjoying the wonderful Turkish climate and the sea. As many do: recall, without Russians and Ukrainians, the volume of housing sales to foreigners in 2022 could decrease by 40%.


However, citizens of other states will also not be able to apply for preferential residences ("social" apartments).

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