The infrastructure of Alanya has been replenished with a «dog's paradise»

The infrastructure of Alanya has been replenished with a «dog's paradise»

A few days ago, a solemn opening ceremony of a new infrastructure project initiated by the mayor of the resort city of Alanya – Adem Murat Yudzhel took place. Dedicated to the World Animal Protection Day, a «Dog Garden» was opened in Alanya: a kind of natural habitat for street dogs. 


By the way, a «Cat Park» has been successfully operating in the city for many years, where dozens, if not hundreds of four-legged inhabitants of the city have their own houses, receive food and water on time, and at the same time delight local residents and tourists: after all, admission to this park is free, so you can go and play with tailed «Turkish subjects». Moreover, for the most part they have a good disposition. 


Now a similar comfortable «microdistrict» has been organized the «Dog Garden» will accommodate, in particular, dogs with health problems (not dangerous to humans), as well as pets of the animal shelter in Demirtas. 


The head of the Department of Nature Protection and National Parks of Alanya, Mevlut Kodal, speaking at the opening of the «Dog Garden», congratulated the citizens on another new attraction of the city and clarified that if one of the locals sees a dog in need of help, then it is necessary to deliver it to the city municipality: the poor guy will be taken care of by veterinarians working in the municipality. Well, the mayor of the city stressed during his speech that... «we strive to love and protect every living being». Recalling that at one time it was for this purpose that the Demirtas Animal Care and Rehabilitation Center was opened in the city, as well as a mobile sterilization team serving homeless quadrupeds was organized. There is also an emergency response car in Alanya that helps sick, injured and homeless animals who have been in an accident.


Let us recall other recent news of the resort city concerning the improvement of social infrastructure:


  • 800 preferential residences will appear in Alanya and Gazipasha;
  • a new medical facility will be opened in the city at the expense of the benefactor;
  • a new female student dormitory has opened its doors in Alanya.



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