Halkbank sells mortgaged housing

Halkbank sells mortgaged housing

One of the most famous Turkish banks has put up for sale a number of lots from among the collateral real estate. Recall that one of the ways to purchase the cheapest possible housing in Turkey is to buy residences from the bank that the bank took from defaulters. 


Halkbank is one of the financial structures of the country that often sell used houses.


The mechanism is as follows: a deposit is made, then the interested parties are traded among themselves, as at an auction.


Now Halkbank has put up for sale several lots in Ankara province, two in Erzurum, as well as housing in Sanliurfa and in Mardin.


In Ankara, the area of lots is 88, 113 and 118 square meters, the starting price for them varies from 189,000 to 230,000 Turkish lira (TL). In Erzurum, two lots are offered with an area of 138 square meters and at a price of 230,000 TL; in Mardin – a residence of 60 square meters for 204,000 TL, and in Sanliurfa – a 96-meter lot for 264,000 TL.


Halkbank is not the only major financial structure in the country that announces promotions and sales every now and then. In the last weeks of 2022, Ziraat Bank offered apartments with a minimum down payment of only 7,000 TL.


In 2023, new opportunities are planned for those wishing to purchase secondary real estate.

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