News continues to arrive regarding the support of civil servants, who are also very much affected by the rapid increase in rental rates.
The fact is that civil servants are usually not compensated for rent, with some exceptions; they have to rent housing, covering these costs from their own salaries. At the same time, such employees are periodically transferred by order "from above" from province to province.
And for the last year and a half in settlements where rents are high, officials cannot afford to rent an apartment to move the family, as we have already written about.
The first decision announced a little earlier was the compensation of 25% of the amount for rent. Now, members of the government have said that new solutions are being prepared for this problem.
Firstly, in the provinces with the highest rental rates - Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya and Mugla are named - the percentage of compensation will be higher, with an eye to the ratio of the employee's salary and the subsistence minimum. We quote experts: "Rental rates will be considered, food prices in the province will also be taken into account. The same rent support will not be provided for provinces with high and low rents". That is, rental support will be higher in the "expensive" provinces; Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya and Mugla are listed so far.
Secondly, the issue of raising the salaries of civil servants is being considered. And thirdly, the construction of additional social housing, which will be used, among other things, as a service; the Department of Mass Housing Construction TOKI will be responsible for this.
Well, in general, after the elections, the authorities promised to take rent rates under control. Which means - at least to slow down, at most to stop the growth of tariffs for housing removal altogether.