Almost six hundred more new residences from TOKI will appear in Ankara

Almost six hundred more new residences from TOKI will appear in Ankara

The Office of Mass Housing Construction TOKI, as part of a nationwide project to provide citizens with affordable housing, is implementing a total of 589 more apartments in five new projects at once, all on the territory of the Turkish capital. The districts already selected for this are Gyudul, Chankaya, Nallyhan, Bala and Chubuk.


Thus, 20 residences will appear in the Yildirim Beyazyt quarter (Chubuk district); 208 – in the Geztepe quarter (Bala), 50 – in the Akpynar quarter (Chankaya), 212 – in Yukary (Gyudul); and 116 – in the Yazy quarter plus 83 – in the Hajibey quarter (Nallyhan district).


Tenders for work on these projects will be held on November 1, November 8, November 17, November 18 and November 30, 2022, respectively.


Not so long ago, NOKIA announced the appearance of almost six hundred more residences (573) in the capital, but they are part of one project in Sinjan.

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